
Data protection (Guidle Czechia)

Information on the processing of personal data of natural persons within the service

This notice summarizes the basic principles of personal data processing by Guidle Czechia s.r.o. in relation to the personal data of registered users of the service

The data controller is Guidle Czechia s.r.o. with its registered office in Plzeňská 3350/18, postal code 150 00, ID no.: 17941580, VAT no. CZ17941580 (hereinafter referred to as "Guidle Czechia").

This notice is prepared in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (the "Regulation").

For what purposes do we process your data?

This section provides an overview of the purposes for which we use (process) your personal data. As a rule, individual data is used for more than one purpose at the same time. The type of processing, the duration of processing, etc. are then based on the stated purposes. In certain cases specified in the Regulation, we may also process your data for purposes other than those specified below, but these are exceptional and limited cases for which the Regulation provides other conditions.

The data collected by will be used for the following purposes

  • to fulfill the concluded contract or to provide access to the service that you use through our website, including the registration of users of this service and contractual relations (all processed data is generally used for these purposes)

  • to protect our rights or the rights of third parties, e.g. in the event of legal disputes in connection with our services. All processed data is normally used for these purposes

  • to ensure the security of our systems and network against external attacks or misuse by users to the extent customary in the market - this includes in particular security logs of your activities on our servers and websites and in the user interface

  • for record keeping and compliance with other legal obligations (proof of consent to the processing of your personal data and compliance with other obligations under the Regulation and other data protection legislation, where applicable)

  • to a reasonable extent for direct marketing, i.e. for the more targeted display of content and advertising on our website to individual users and for sending commercial communications (newsletters).

Who can we share information about you with?

Not all processing of personal data is carried out by our company itself. We use the services of our parent company Guidle AG , 6340 Baar, Marktgasse 8, Swiss Confederation, registration number: CHE-113.591.249. This company stores the data in a data center in Switzerland.

Registered users can create and edit advertisements (e.g. events) in their own account on our website. In addition, Guidle Czechia imports ads from other sources (e.g. ticketing platforms). All these ads may also contain personal information (e.g. contact details such as name, email or address of the event organizer or restaurant).

Guidle Czechia passes on these advertisements and thus potentially personal data to the media (e.g. online event calendars, print media, tourism portals). This happens whenever our company identifies a suitable recipient for the advertisement. In addition, Guidle Czechia offers the service of placing the advertisement in the media with the customer's access data (user name and password), provided these are stored in the customer's own account on our website. This data is stored in encrypted form at our company.

Advertisements, and thus possibly personal data, can also be obtained from our company for a fee.

Are you obliged to provide us with the data?

You provide us with your personal data voluntarily (however, if you wish to register for our service, certain data is mandatory, i.e. if you do not provide us with it, you will not be able to use the service or order paid products). If in some cases you are obliged by a special law to provide personal data for processing, you will be informed of this separately.

Otherwise, Guidle Czechia may only disclose your personal data to third parties if this is required or permitted by law or if you have given your consent. Guidle Czechia will only pass on personal data to processors or other recipients to the usual extent:

  • suppliers of external services for Guidle Czechia (typically programming or other technical support services, server services, sending emails, services related to measuring traffic on our website and customizing its content to users' preferences), etc.
  • the operators of backup servers or operators of technologies used by Guidle Czechia that process this data in order to ensure the functionality of the relevant Guidle Czechia services
  • to the extent strictly necessary, to the legal, economic and tax advisors of Guidle Czechia and the auditors of Guidle Czechia, who process this data for the purpose of providing consulting services to Guidle Czechia
  • Personal data may also be transmitted to authorities upon request or in the event of suspected violations.

Information on the processing of personal data Legal basis for processing

Any processing of personal data must be lawful - it must be based on one of the legal bases for processing listed in the Regulation. As with the purpose, data can be processed on the basis of more than one legal ground for processing. If all legal grounds cease to apply, we will stop processing your data. The possible legal bases for processing are listed in Article 6 of the Regulation. Please note that if we process your personal data on the basis of your consent (e.g. if you provide your e-mail address on our website so that we can send you our newsletter), you have the option to withdraw this consent at any time (for withdrawal, please contact the contacts listed on The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the necessity to fulfill the contract or the measures taken before the conclusion of the contract, as far as they concern the use of the service itself, the legitimate interests of Guidle Czechia (given by the interest to protect our rights, incl. recovery of incurred claims, processing of data for statistical purposes, measuring traffic on our website, improving the content of our website and its development, ensuring the security of our systems and network and for direct marketing) and third parties (in particular our contractual partners involved in the provision of services to you or promoters), as well as compliance with legal requirements (prevention of unauthorized actions, compliance with requirements from data protection regulations (in particular the Regulation), accounting and compliance with obligations from tax regulations).

The legal basis for the processing of your data may also be your consent, in particular if you provide certain information about yourself that is not marked as mandatory or if you provide us with your e-mail address for sending newsletters without using our services. In this case, you can withdraw your consent at any time. In this case, we will no longer process the data for this purpose, but we may store it as part of the security logs documenting your account activity. Please note that the withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

What data do we process and from what sources does it originate?

In this section, you will find out what types of personal data we will process about you. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (also referred to as a "data subject"); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, a network identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. The personal data that we process about you is generally collected directly from you or as part of tracking your activities on our website (accounts). In justified cases (in particular when collecting amounts owed to us), we may also obtain further information about you from open sources.

The data we collect in relation to registered users of our service is primarily collected from you and usually includes: completed login details (e-mail), password (encrypted), first and last name, home and delivery address and any changes thereto. In connection with the purchases you have made, we also store information about the type of service you have purchased, the way in which we have delivered it to you and your payments.

We also process data about how you registered or consented to the processing of your personal data (usually by storing information about how and when consent was given, including, for example, your IP address from which you clicked the relevant box and time, or details of your response to the confirmation email) and when you canceled your registration or withdrew your consent.

We also store logs of your activities within your account in the system to document your actions and as a security measure. If we are forced to delete your registration, e.g. following a breach of the terms of use, we will store your basic data and the reason for deletion.

We receive the personal data processed by us directly from you (by you providing it to us as part of your registration for the service and your activity within the service interface, or from individual correspondence with you).

The data required for payment processing is also accessed by banks and other payment service providers, who manage it as separate controllers.

How long will we process the data?

Our company cannot process your data for any length of time, but the processing period is limited to the period in which we actually need your data. We try to limit this period in such a way that both your interests and ours are adequately taken into account.

All data collected during the registration process and during the use of the registered service is generally stored for the entire registration period and beyond in security logs for at least 5 years after the registration has been canceled in order to protect the rights of our company and third parties and to prove the provision of the service in the event of an official inspection.

Data related to paid services is stored in our accounting systems for 10 years from the end of the year in which the service was provided.

To avoid duplicate accounts, we store selected email addresses for a longer period to prevent the same data from being used again. The same applies to the storage of account termination data.

The above-mentioned periods may be exceeded if circumstances require it, e.g. if an audit is initiated by a supervisory authority or if a legal dispute is pending.

As far as the processing period is concerned, if it is not expressly stated in the Terms of Use or stipulated by law, we rely in particular on the following considerations when determining the appropriateness of the processing period: (i) the length of the statute of limitations, with a caveat for knowledge that a lawsuit has been filed or other proceeding initiated, (ii) the likelihood of legal claims against our company, (iii) the anticipated timeframes for detecting attacks on our network or other security breaches, (iv) standard market practices and recommendations of regulatory authorities, and (v) the likelihood and significance of the risks involved.

Cancellation of the Service

You may cancel the use of our service at any time (this applies to registration, not to the provision of paid services). If you wish to delete your account, please contact the administrator of the service at, who will handle the deletion process with you. If you unsubscribe, we will no longer use your data for the provision of the Service. Please note that - as mentioned above - even after deletion of the registration, some data will be stored as backups in order to protect the rights of our company and third parties, to ensure IT security and to demonstrate compliance with legal regulations, in particular data protection. Are you obliged to provide us with data? You provide Guidle Czechia with your personal data voluntarily (however, if you wish to register for our service, some data is mandatory, i.e. if you do not provide us with it, you will not be able to use the service or order paid products). If in some cases you are obliged by a special law to provide personal data for processing, you will be informed of this fact separately.


Although consent is only one of the grounds for processing, the Regulation imposes specific requirements for obtaining consent. If you feel that your consent has been coerced by us, please contact us and we will deal with it promptly.

Notes on the processing of personal data

Please note that if the legal basis for the processing of your personal data is your consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time free of charge by contacting us at the addresses below. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Right to object

The right to object is an important right. It enables you to have the processing reviewed on the basis of our so-called legitimate interest if your particular situation justifies this - i.e. if the processing itself is permissible, but there are specific reasons on your part why you do not want the processing. However, the possibility to object does not apply to all cases of processing, e.g. it cannot be used if we process your data that is necessary for the performance of a contract or if we are legally obliged to process it. The right to object is enshrined in Article 21 of the Regulation.

You can object to the processing using the contact details below or preferably by e-mail: Please indicate in your e-mail the specific situation from which you conclude that Guidle Czechia should not process the data. Please note that even in the above cases, there is sometimes parallel processing of personal data for other purposes that justifies that Guidle Czechia continues to process this data.

In the case of data processing for direct marketing purposes (usually sending newsletters), it is always possible to object without further justification; in this case, you do not have to provide reasons why you no longer wish to receive such communications. In this case, you do not have to give any reasons why you no longer wish to receive such messages. In these cases, the best way to object is to unsubscribe from further communications by clicking on the link that is usually included in the communications for this purpose. You also have the same right under Section 7 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll.

Under the Regulation, as a data subject, you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you (Article 22). Although the Regulation provides for several exceptions for cases in which such automated decision-making may be carried out, our company endeavors not to carry out such processing.

Our company does not intend to carry out automated decision-making that would have legal effects on you or similarly significantly affect you within the meaning of Article 22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. For example, if you are denied the opportunity to sign up for our service because an automated check of, for example, a duplicate email address has been carried out, you can always contact the administrator of the service in question or our company in general to request a final decision, which is always based on an assessment by the operator.

Information on the processing of personal data Commercial communications (newsletter)

We also process data about current or former users of our services or persons who have given us their consent for the purpose of so-called direct marketing, i.e. usually for sending e-newsletters of the service. The sending of newsletters is usually not limited in time, but if you express the wish that we no longer send you such newsletters, we will not send them to you. However, we will continue to process the basic dispatch data for a reasonable period of time so that we can prove why we sent you these offers and when you unsubscribed. We will not pass on your data to third parties in order to send you offers.

For the purpose of sending you commercial communications, we will process the following personal data about you: Your first and last name, your e-mail address and, if applicable, a list of the e-mails we have sent you. In this context, we may also use, to an appropriate extent, other data that you have provided to us as part of our service in order to assign you to a general group of people with similar preferences and, in some cases, to limit the commercial communications that we send you to those that may be of interest to you. We process this data for the purpose of sending commercial communications to you, i.e. for the purpose of so-called direct marketing. This includes the sending of commercial communications from our company, in particular in relation to the service or other similar services of our company.

We process the data that we have sent you messages and on what basis, as well as a list of the messages sent, if applicable, for the purposes of our IT security, protection of our rights and the rights of third parties and to justify the requirements set out in the legislation on personal data protection for a reasonable period of time after you have unsubscribed from receiving such messages (maximum about 4 years).

Updating the data

One of our obligations as a data controller is to process correct data or, if necessary, to complete incomplete data, taking into account the circumstances. If you inform us of changes to your data, you will help us to properly fulfill this obligation. So if there is a

Information on the processing of personal data

a change in the data you have provided, we would ask you to send us information about such a change or to change it in the service interface.

Cookies and third-party services

We use so-called cookies to distinguish between individual computers and to individually configure certain services. These are small text files that our servers (as well as many other servers) store on individual computers using a web browser. Cookies are, so to speak, the memory of a website that recognizes the user of the same computer on his next visit.

Cookies take up almost no space on the computer's hard disk and are usually only a few kilobytes in size. Cookies are not used to obtain sensitive personal data.

Within the website, we use our own cookies or cookies from other operators are placed in your browser.

Risks and recommended practices

Any processing of personal data involves certain risks. These may vary depending on the amount of data processed and the type of processing. Below you will find some best practices that can help you protect your data:

  • If you provide us with optional information, you should always consider whether the provision of this information is necessary. In particular, you should carefully consider the provision of data relating to your personal life and aspects of it that are unrelated to the purposes for which you are providing it.
  • If you feel that we are asking for too much information, please contact us and we will review the appropriateness of our request.
  • If one of our employees asks you to provide data, do not be afraid to ask whether it is necessary and whether the purpose of the processing can be achieved without the data.
  • Every natural person must have access to the respective service
  • Persons under the age of 18 are particularly vulnerable. If you are under the age of 18 and have doubts as to whether you are capable of making the right decision, please discuss the matter with your parents (or other legal guardian) or contact us separately. For persons under the age of 15, we may obtain specific consent from their parents or legal guardians
  • If you log in to our systems with a password, always use a unique, secure password that you do not use for other devices and access points. Do not share your password with anyone, not even our employees. We will never ask you to share your password with us. Therefore, be wary of various email requests for passwords, even if they are signed on behalf of Guidle Czechia. These are likely to be requests aimed at obtaining and then misusing passwords.
  • If you send us confidential data, please try to use a secure method of communication, such as encrypting the file and sharing the password via another communication channel.
  • If you feel that our company is not fulfilling all of its obligations, that there has been an unauthorized data leak or that someone is impersonating our employee, please let us know as soon as possible. Our company's contact details can be found here on our website.
  • We always endeavor to keep these lessons up to date. We will therefore make adjustments to these rules from time to time. In the event of major changes, we will notify you separately, but it is nevertheless advisable to re-read these rules from time to time.

The data subject has the right to contact our company as the data controller:

  1. to request access to the personal data processed by the controller, i.e. the right to obtain confirmation from the controller as to whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed, and, where that is the case, the right of access to those personal data and to the other information referred to in Article 15 of the Regulation,
  2. to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her (Article 16 of the Regulation). Taking into account the purposes of the processing, they also have the right, in certain cases, to request the completion of incomplete personal data,
  3. to request the erasure of personal data in the cases provided for in Article 17 of the Regulation
  4. to request the restriction of data processing in the cases provided for in Article 18 of the Regulation
  5. to obtain personal data concerning them and
    (i) which we process with their consent, or
    (ii) which we process for the performance of a contract to which the natural person is party or in order to take steps at their request prior to entering into a contract, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and have the right to transmit those data to another controller, subject to the conditions and limitations set out in Article 20 of the Regulation; and
  6. has the right to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to processing within the meaning of Article 21 of the Regulation.

If we receive such a request, we will inform the applicant of the measures taken without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request. This period may be extended by a further two months if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of applications. In certain cases provided for in the regulation, our company is not obliged to grant the application in whole or in part. This is particularly the case if the request is manifestly unfounded or unreasonable, in particular because it is repetitive. In such cases, we may

(i) charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing the requested information or communication or taking the requested action; or
(ii) refuse to comply with the request.

If we receive the above request but have reasonable doubts about the identity of the applicant, we may ask the applicant to provide us with additional information necessary to confirm his or her identity.

We will retain information about the exercise of the data subject's rights with us and how we have handled their request for a reasonable period of time (5 years) to document this fact, for statistical purposes, to improve our services and to protect our rights.

If the data subject believes that Guidle Czechia is unlawfully processing their personal data or otherwise violating their rights, they have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (i.e. the Office for Personal Data Protection) or seek judicial protection.

For comments and questions about data protection and exercising your rights, you can contact the following contact persons:

Guidle Czechia s.r.o.
Plzeňská 3350/18
150 00 Praha

Česká republika
DS: 52ijrsk

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.